Two Oceana disposable razors placed on the soap holder in the bathroom
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  • Simply Venus 2 Disposable Razor

    Great value

    Simply 2 Disposables razor with a comfortable grip and multiple blades for a smooth shaving experience.
  • Venus Simply 3 Colors Disposable Razor

    Close shave

    Venus Simply 3 Disposables Women's razor with a pink handle and a sleek design for a smooth shaving experience.
  • Simply Venus 3 Basic Disposable Razor

    Close shave

    Simply Disposables razor designed for women's shaving, featuring a comfortable grip and smooth blades for an effortless experience.
  • Venus Tropical Disposable Razor

    Colorful handle & smooth shave

    Tropical Disposables razor with a green handle and a blue strip, designed for a smooth shaving experience.
  • Gillette Venus Extra Smooth Sensitive razor, in the bathroom.

    NEWVenus Extra Smooth Sensitive Disposable Razor

    Helps avoid shave irritation

    Venus Extra Smooth Sensitive Disposable Razor
  • Venus Sensitive Disposable Razor

    Close and Smooth results

    Venus Smooth Sensitive Disposable women's razor with a pink handle and a three-blade head for a smooth shaving experience.
  • NEWVenus Treasures Disposable Razor

    Colorful handle & smooth shave

    Venus Treasures Disposable Razor
Current filters: Disposable Razors. Total items 7.

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